hollow sidewalks

seeing shows so you don't have to.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Learning Curve--Or, DUH!

So I had some time to try to add some photos yesterday, saving them to the desktop and then uploadimg. Today I tried to see if that's how to get a rotated photo up. Bingo. When I first started w/the pix, I was taking the original, unedited ones from the disk and not the edited ones. Maybe this is how to get a cropped photo up. This might make the Obligatory Photo Section unnnecessary. Then again, posts of 20 or so pix from a show might make the site look messy. So we'll see, but this is a start. And if you click on a pic on the site, you'll see the bigger version. I'm sure all this was mentioned in the instructions, but I'm the type of person who doesn't read instructions sometimes because I assume it's over my head then jumps right in and if I can't figure it out, I tell myself I'm stupid and then try to figure it out on my own, sometimes making more work for myself.

I spent too much time yesterday getting frustrated trying to use the Hello program to get fuller-sized photos up before I realized the whole clicking on the posted photos. The cool thing about Hello is that you IM the program with the pix and there's a "robot" who "responds" and then resizes and posts photos. A robot. Problem with that is that it was making a new post for the photo and not putting it in the started post. I'm sitting here thinking, Great. I got the mildly retarded robot. Then again, robots only do what the humans tell them to do (until they overthrow the human and start their own band and hold the human hostage) so if there's anyone here who's mildly retarded, it prolly ain't BloggerBot. Dammit, why can't robots read our mind and then do what we want?

Hey, in 2003 I was an HTML dropout. I registered for a free intro to HTML class at Barnes & Noble University. The only thing you had to buy was the text book, which was HTML for Dummies. There was a new lesson posted Tuesdays and Fridays for the month of May, complete with tests. By the end of the course we were supposed to be able to create basic websites. Problem is, too many shows and not enough me. I aced the first test, which was basically HTML trivia. The next lesson was the application thereof and I bombed. Besides, the Dummies book said you had to write out each code to do the littlest thing but there's tons of shortcuts that we shouldn't be using because we were supposed to learn by doing. Plus, there was this whole "websites aren't my domain" thing to overcome. Like, gee, I wish I had a guy to do all this stuff for me and I'll go to the shows and take the pix. Which is why I've been posting to myself as I learn more. I'm getting there. I think. I hope.