Gettin' Freaky Wit' The Tikis
Team Spider/Animale/Blackout Shoppers//Otto’s//9/14/06
One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make was passing on Team Spider at CBGB. For the usual reasons—money, film, money for dinner out, and getting back late after going out late during the week, money, etc. One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make was deciding to go to the show. I’m probably going to regret missing the show for the rest of my life. Aside from the fact that it’s Team Spider, it’s CBGB, The Code is breaking up before I can get the pix developed from the first time I saw them. I love it when I’m right. Mischief Brew is also on the bill, and I’m curious if my opinions would hold up a second time around. But money and the fact that I was going to see Team Spider for free a few days later—not to mention that I just saw them for free a few weeks ago won out in the end. And let’s face it, if I didn’t use any pix of Team Spider from their 9/11 gig last year for this post, it’s because I don’t have ‘em. Blackout Shoppers and Team Spider. One of the best pairings since the chocolate syrup met the Mr. Softee.
I stayed about 20 mins. extra at work to finish what I was almost done with and of course there was a half-hour wait for the train. Then at Jackson Heights they made it an express and I got home after 7, put my stuff down, fed the cat, peed, picked my umbrella back up, and went back out again. The Otto’s site said 12AM and mentioned a DJ as well (they also mentioned local acts, like from right around the corner), but the NYCPunk site said 8PM, as did the Shoppers’ site, so I figured 8 was right and had to get a slice of pizza in the city. ‘Course if it really did start at 12AM, I could’ve gotten some sleep beforehand. I put my earplugs in as I ate the pizza, which is never advisable because you can hear yourself chew. I got there a little after 8 and I was surprised how empty it was. Maybe TS have a lot of underage fans and Otto’s is 21+. Anyway, I got to sit around and be privy to the very important behind the scenes discussions—about amps and equipment--as everybody drummed their fingers on the tables. At first I thought I was going to be the only chick there for TS, but 3 others came.
Team Spider started off their set with Tompkins Square Park Love, dedicated to Ladybug, who was just released from her day in jail for riding her bike in the bike lane on Avenue C. Holy shit. They figured the cops were trying to bust her for possession, but when they didn’t find anything they threw her from the bike, she was scared shitless and fought back, and got arrested for assaulting a cop. Another reason I wanted to go to the CBGB show was because they were going to have a sax player and that would be interesting to see, but he was at the Otto’s show as well. They did a cool, older song called Soft Side, which they’d never done before, for Joey Ramone, and Lily’s Treat, which they forgot to do at CBGB. (Argh! How do you forget to do Lily’s Treat {about an Ave. A character—“Neighborhood got good and the good, well, it went away”} {yeah, normally I wouldn’t explain, but that’s the point I was trying to make that everybody should be in on the reference in case there are those who aren’t} @ CBGB?!)
(Fed up w/the fan up front always shouting lyrics practically into the lead singer's face, Xris threatens to punch Seth in the nose. Or they're comparing the best techniques for jerking off.) I was kinda hoping that Animale was going on last so’s I could leave after the Shoppers, no offense to Animale, but all the late-nighters were catching up. In fact, the night before that gig, I was at The Gallery and found the September issue of NY Waste, which has a big article from Blackout Matt that sets the record straight about Joey Methadone’s injuries. I didn’t mean to laugh at the poor guy’s misfortunes, but it was a riotous story that left me cracking up laughing on the train, and the story culminated with an uninsured Mr. Methadone posing as a doctor in order to skip out on the bill—something I thought only happened in movies or on TV, but if Joey did it then it must happen in real life and punk rockers do it as well. Then again, that’s probably where he got the idea. Needless to say, if he’s now a wanted criminal in addition to the injuries, a highly visible stint as a drummer isn’t advisable. The Shoppers ended with inviting everyone to sing Everything’s Gone Wrong with them if we know it, and I would’ve done it, but I’m afraid I’m going to get swept away in a giant huddle, so I won’t and they don’t need to worry that I would.
One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make was passing on Team Spider at CBGB. For the usual reasons—money, film, money for dinner out, and getting back late after going out late during the week, money, etc. One of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make was deciding to go to the show. I’m probably going to regret missing the show for the rest of my life. Aside from the fact that it’s Team Spider, it’s CBGB, The Code is breaking up before I can get the pix developed from the first time I saw them. I love it when I’m right. Mischief Brew is also on the bill, and I’m curious if my opinions would hold up a second time around. But money and the fact that I was going to see Team Spider for free a few days later—not to mention that I just saw them for free a few weeks ago won out in the end. And let’s face it, if I didn’t use any pix of Team Spider from their 9/11 gig last year for this post, it’s because I don’t have ‘em. Blackout Shoppers and Team Spider. One of the best pairings since the chocolate syrup met the Mr. Softee.
I stayed about 20 mins. extra at work to finish what I was almost done with and of course there was a half-hour wait for the train. Then at Jackson Heights they made it an express and I got home after 7, put my stuff down, fed the cat, peed, picked my umbrella back up, and went back out again. The Otto’s site said 12AM and mentioned a DJ as well (they also mentioned local acts, like from right around the corner), but the NYCPunk site said 8PM, as did the Shoppers’ site, so I figured 8 was right and had to get a slice of pizza in the city. ‘Course if it really did start at 12AM, I could’ve gotten some sleep beforehand. I put my earplugs in as I ate the pizza, which is never advisable because you can hear yourself chew. I got there a little after 8 and I was surprised how empty it was. Maybe TS have a lot of underage fans and Otto’s is 21+. Anyway, I got to sit around and be privy to the very important behind the scenes discussions—about amps and equipment--as everybody drummed their fingers on the tables. At first I thought I was going to be the only chick there for TS, but 3 others came.

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