Gratuitous Pussy Shot
I told Marc about the site and he asked me if I'm naked on it. Great--bands ask the guys behind MySpace if they can get them on MTV and I get asked if I'm naked on my website. But I guess if it were women running MySpace they'd get asked the same thing.
Scott said I should Photoshop Marc's face onto some beefcake and tell him, "Well, there's good news and bad news. Good news is there's nudity. Bad news is that it's you."
Aw, that's sweet. You think I can afford Photoshop. No, I know. You meant photoshop as a verb.
I told Scott that I'll photoshop his face onto some beefcake and tell him, "But I thought you were Irish."
I have a feeling I'll get that a lot, about the nudity. So I've decided to head it off at the pass by posting a gratuitous pussy shot.
This is the moment you've all been waiting for, so . . . LOOKIT MY PUSSY.
Not only that, but it's a NAUGHTY PUSSY PICTURE. Yep, that's Oreo crouching amongst fragile tchotchkes on my dresser, where he's not supposed to be. I wanted to get risers for my bed to create storage space but I know he'll just think, "Hey, thanks. Now I don't have to jump so high." Every night he jumps from my bed to the dresser and every morning he's on the bed or the floor. Maybe this is why I'm always tired in the morning. Or it's the terrible hours I keep. He seems immune to my shouts of "Hey! Get offa there!" I want to yell more or swat him one but I'm afraid that would freak him out and he'll jump and break something. Besides, if he's jumping up and getting exercize I don't want to stop that.
Scott said I should Photoshop Marc's face onto some beefcake and tell him, "Well, there's good news and bad news. Good news is there's nudity. Bad news is that it's you."
Aw, that's sweet. You think I can afford Photoshop. No, I know. You meant photoshop as a verb.
I told Scott that I'll photoshop his face onto some beefcake and tell him, "But I thought you were Irish."
I have a feeling I'll get that a lot, about the nudity. So I've decided to head it off at the pass by posting a gratuitous pussy shot.
This is the moment you've all been waiting for, so . . . LOOKIT MY PUSSY.

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