hollow sidewalks

seeing shows so you don't have to.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

No Sleep 'Til Sunday!

The sinus problems were not in the plans. Neither is the cold weather tomorrow. Definitely not snow, which at last check has vanished from the forecast. Luck of the Irish, they quipped at the end of Fox 5 News @ 10. Wow, that is so fucking original they should pat themselves on the back. "The city's gonna go crazy with the parade tomorrow," fretted some woman in the elevator earlier when I went out for lunch. Another person tut-tutted in agreement.

At least I got off easy. No stories about Irish cowboys or couples meeting cute at a bar, swilling green beer, dancing a jig, and marveling how leprechauns brought them together and that they have the proverbial luck of the Irish. There is such a group as the "Celtic Romance Writers." Wonder if they approved the most likely abominable Hot Whispers Of An Irishman. Eh, what the fuck do I know? Such a beast does exist in the 1st place. I do know that spring starts Monday and cold weather blows.

And Murph sent out his holiday newsletter, breaking the city down by zip code in relation to the parade. Good goin', sending it out at 4:15 the day before. If you'd like to party like the Irish, with the Irish.... Nah, I'm going to party like a music fan. Probably the only one, but somebody's got to. And this is post #100, so you should know that by now. Who needs CMJ? Let's face it, this the only time of year that my bands are gonna be huge.

So don't bother knockin cuz I'm out rockin.


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