This Show Was Brought To You By The Letter B
Team Spider/Psalters/Defiance, Ohio @ Tompkins Square Park (@ Ave B)
Blackout Shoppers & The Bullys @ Manitoba's, 8/14/06
(<---Check out Xris Ryan as ghetto Axl Rose) Avenue B was the place to be and the place for free--shows, that is. Though their mailings didn't promise smelly old men, nervous NYPD, and people off their meds this time around, all were there in full force--the latter on both sides of the mic. (Har har. People off their meds rule.) I followed an ambulence into the park and got there to see a crowd. I wasn't sure about the order of the bands, and as I made my way to the stage I heard something about capitalism. Sounds about right. I just missed thee mighty Wombat In Combat (Are wombats mighty? Well, if they're in combat, I guess they are. Unless somebody started with the wombat, in which case it might be caught off guard and perhaps not feeling so mighty. Unless it's in combat with me, in which case it could kick my ass, so I guess it would be.)
Team Spider had some new songs and newer songs, as well as their songs about the nabe penned by ZAK, who was sorely missing on Bush Bush Bush, but their ska/rap vibe definiately came across when Xris traded his guitar for his mic, running into the crowd and getting us all to skank. As well as dance around in a circle. Man, I haven't seen these guys in so long. I didn't realize how long it's been since seeing them that day. A lark in the park, as ZAK would've said.
Psalters, whose location is listed as a black bus, have many religious messages on their Myspace. About how the fans were blessed at the show, and blessing them. Uhm. Their CD is called The Divine Liturgy of the Wretched Exiles and they "thank you and You." Now they have a message from a fan--sorry, friend--who picked up their Bible and started reading it again. So the 1st time I checked into them, I thought, Are they one of those freak-folk, 20-band-member collectives? What's up with the religion bit? Well, they're the only band I've seen that rocked 2 accordians, 2 shofars, a barrel drum, castanets, banjo, bells, gongs, and have instruments with cool names that I've never heard of, such as a mijwiz, riq, qarkabeb, oud, and a didjeridu--well, that one I've heard of, but the name is cool nonetheless, listed in their liturgy booklet. They asked to get rid of Team Spider's mics that were still set up in front of them and invited us closer. They started out with a song called Ol' Glory, about how they learned of a cult during their travels that they're trying to warn everyone about. This cult hangs up a banner to represent their group, and the banner has white and red stripes on it, and a little blue box with stars on it that's up high out of everyone else's reach. Well, I didn't explain it as eloquently as they did, but you get my drift. They said they're trying to follow Christ's teachings, and as I watched this group, I thought that these folx are what Jesus was really about--not guilt, fear, saying who you can and can't love/marry, controlling women's bodies, red states, NASCAR, Promise Keepers, advertising your messiah in the subways, Jars Of Clay, etc etc.
I really wanted to see Defiance, Ohio, and not just for the great name. I wasn't prepared for the swell and surge of the crowd and I was getting pushed into the band. I kept thinking, What the hell is your problem? If I get pitched face-first into an upright bass, there will be no show if I plow the band over and break instruments. So I did the squat/pelvis thrust to keep the crowd off of me.... and then got a foot cramp, and then I was no match for the crowd. I tried to move aside, but couldn't. Just when I thought it abated, it started up again. I fell forward and grabbed onto whatever was in front of me--this, of course, being the microphone itself. Of course they started having sound problems after that and the mic didn't work and I felt stupid. I can just imagine everyone laughing about me on their Myspace page. Didja see that stupid, wussy girl who almost fell on the mic and then grabbed it? Well, this won't be the first show I ruin with my sheer presence. So not only can you mosh to acoustic folk-punk, you can also crowd surf to it. After I moved aside I went to say hi to Xris and the police started coming in. Yeah, people running around in a circle, big threat.
So after that it was down the block and across the street to Manitoba's. Now that's more like it, leaving a free gig and walking across the street to another free gig. Well, I was in the neighborhood and I had to pee, so.... The Blackout Shoppers were back at Manitoba's doing what they've been known to do at Manitoba's, which is opening for a legendary punk band.
(<---It was sorta like that, except Marc Lefton wasn't there.)
(Hey, it could happen.)
(<---That's more like it.)
A woman comes up to me with a stack of baby fliers in her hand and asks me where the bass player goes.
I point to the far corner.
"They told me he needs a bass player, but it's a tight squeeze. He's got a gig coming up here."
I look at the gangly teen in the acid-washed Ramones shirt (oh, of course) behind her. Just put the fliers by the DJ booth and go already.
"We're just here to look at it; we've never been here before."
Well, I hope you have earplugs; it's gonna get loud in here. Where are the Shoppers, already? They brag about being the band that fucks mothers, here's one--go for it. She hands me a flier for a band with a possibly sucky name and goes over to talk to the bartender. You're going to discuss business now? You should know shows are on Mondays @ 8 if you're passing out fliers for a show Monday @ 8.
"When are these guys gonna start already?" Seth asks.
"Yeah? I hear they suck live."
I can't remember if I saw the Bullys before, and by before I mean before their rekkid release party last month. For some reason I remember being in Coney with Stomposition for sale. I'm tempted to say yes because with me it's totally possible, but if I say that I have, what if I'm wrong? Still, it was one of the most intense and energetic shows in a while. I lost my Wombat In Combat patch and I think a roll of film.
As I headed to the R on 8th St., a guy asked me where the East Village is.
"Aren't we in the East Village?" I didn't mean it to sound like that, but he just took me by surprise. I don't know which exact blocks and zip codes make up which little district, but as I looked around I saw E. Houston to my left, farther down, and I consider the Merc zone and vicinity the Lowah Eeesside.
"This is the East Village?"
Well, it ain't Harlem, it ain't Chelsea, and it sure as hell ain't Greenwich Village. I know that much.
There were yellow fliers hung up on lampposts, covering up the fliers for gigs. Luxury, hi-end renos at 312 Bowery.
Huh. Maybe this isn't the East Village, afterall.
Blackout Shoppers & The Bullys @ Manitoba's, 8/14/06

Team Spider had some new songs and newer songs, as well as their songs about the nabe penned by ZAK, who was sorely missing on Bush Bush Bush, but their ska/rap vibe definiately came across when Xris traded his guitar for his mic, running into the crowd and getting us all to skank. As well as dance around in a circle. Man, I haven't seen these guys in so long. I didn't realize how long it's been since seeing them that day. A lark in the park, as ZAK would've said.
Psalters, whose location is listed as a black bus, have many religious messages on their Myspace. About how the fans were blessed at the show, and blessing them. Uhm. Their CD is called The Divine Liturgy of the Wretched Exiles and they "thank you and You." Now they have a message from a fan--sorry, friend--who picked up their Bible and started reading it again. So the 1st time I checked into them, I thought, Are they one of those freak-folk, 20-band-member collectives? What's up with the religion bit? Well, they're the only band I've seen that rocked 2 accordians, 2 shofars, a barrel drum, castanets, banjo, bells, gongs, and have instruments with cool names that I've never heard of, such as a mijwiz, riq, qarkabeb, oud, and a didjeridu--well, that one I've heard of, but the name is cool nonetheless, listed in their liturgy booklet. They asked to get rid of Team Spider's mics that were still set up in front of them and invited us closer. They started out with a song called Ol' Glory, about how they learned of a cult during their travels that they're trying to warn everyone about. This cult hangs up a banner to represent their group, and the banner has white and red stripes on it, and a little blue box with stars on it that's up high out of everyone else's reach. Well, I didn't explain it as eloquently as they did, but you get my drift. They said they're trying to follow Christ's teachings, and as I watched this group, I thought that these folx are what Jesus was really about--not guilt, fear, saying who you can and can't love/marry, controlling women's bodies, red states, NASCAR, Promise Keepers, advertising your messiah in the subways, Jars Of Clay, etc etc.
I really wanted to see Defiance, Ohio, and not just for the great name. I wasn't prepared for the swell and surge of the crowd and I was getting pushed into the band. I kept thinking, What the hell is your problem? If I get pitched face-first into an upright bass, there will be no show if I plow the band over and break instruments. So I did the squat/pelvis thrust to keep the crowd off of me.... and then got a foot cramp, and then I was no match for the crowd. I tried to move aside, but couldn't. Just when I thought it abated, it started up again. I fell forward and grabbed onto whatever was in front of me--this, of course, being the microphone itself. Of course they started having sound problems after that and the mic didn't work and I felt stupid. I can just imagine everyone laughing about me on their Myspace page. Didja see that stupid, wussy girl who almost fell on the mic and then grabbed it? Well, this won't be the first show I ruin with my sheer presence. So not only can you mosh to acoustic folk-punk, you can also crowd surf to it. After I moved aside I went to say hi to Xris and the police started coming in. Yeah, people running around in a circle, big threat.
So after that it was down the block and across the street to Manitoba's. Now that's more like it, leaving a free gig and walking across the street to another free gig. Well, I was in the neighborhood and I had to pee, so.... The Blackout Shoppers were back at Manitoba's doing what they've been known to do at Manitoba's, which is opening for a legendary punk band.

A woman comes up to me with a stack of baby fliers in her hand and asks me where the bass player goes.
I point to the far corner.
"They told me he needs a bass player, but it's a tight squeeze. He's got a gig coming up here."
I look at the gangly teen in the acid-washed Ramones shirt (oh, of course) behind her. Just put the fliers by the DJ booth and go already.
"We're just here to look at it; we've never been here before."
Well, I hope you have earplugs; it's gonna get loud in here. Where are the Shoppers, already? They brag about being the band that fucks mothers, here's one--go for it. She hands me a flier for a band with a possibly sucky name and goes over to talk to the bartender. You're going to discuss business now? You should know shows are on Mondays @ 8 if you're passing out fliers for a show Monday @ 8.
"When are these guys gonna start already?" Seth asks.
"Yeah? I hear they suck live."
I can't remember if I saw the Bullys before, and by before I mean before their rekkid release party last month. For some reason I remember being in Coney with Stomposition for sale. I'm tempted to say yes because with me it's totally possible, but if I say that I have, what if I'm wrong? Still, it was one of the most intense and energetic shows in a while. I lost my Wombat In Combat patch and I think a roll of film.
As I headed to the R on 8th St., a guy asked me where the East Village is.
"Aren't we in the East Village?" I didn't mean it to sound like that, but he just took me by surprise. I don't know which exact blocks and zip codes make up which little district, but as I looked around I saw E. Houston to my left, farther down, and I consider the Merc zone and vicinity the Lowah Eeesside.
"This is the East Village?"
Well, it ain't Harlem, it ain't Chelsea, and it sure as hell ain't Greenwich Village. I know that much.
There were yellow fliers hung up on lampposts, covering up the fliers for gigs. Luxury, hi-end renos at 312 Bowery.
Huh. Maybe this isn't the East Village, afterall.
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