hollow sidewalks

seeing shows so you don't have to.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Lower East Side Story

The Dents/F-Units/Hello Nurse/Hoy//Sin-e//8/6/05

So not only am I becoming crotchety, I'm getting Alzheimer's. I bought 2 packs of film and I forgot to take 'em. And not only that, I forgot that I forgot until I'd spent 10 mins. waiting for the train. It was barreling down the track and then it dawned on me. The film is sitting right there on the table where I keep my keys. Yeah there's a pile of crap on top of it on the table, but still. Had I realized it as soon as I got to my lobby I would've gone back for it. Had I realized it when I got to the platform, I would've gone back--or bought more. And I'd taken out my film from the night before and noticed that I only had 2 rolls on me. Is it going to be enough? Still, the more film I have the more I'll use. And I'd spent the 10 mins waiting for the train reading the circulars from the lobby, checking out digital camera ads.
I'm getting to be too old for this. I didn't want to catch the first band, Superlow, because their pic on the Sin-e site just wasn't doing it for me. The Dents were on at 9 and I left here at 8. I got there with the Dents onstage and getting ready to go. I never do that--I usually get there early to ensure that I get in and get up front, but the place was empty. There were 30 people there at the most. I'd briefly considered buying an advance ticket even though that would mean handling charges, but thank God I didn't.
Originally I wasn't going to stay for Hoy because I'd seen them before and though they're thoroughly nice guys, they weren't life-altering. Then again, it was past midnite that time back in April. But 2 things made me change my mind about them last night. One was Andy, their bass player, rocking a kilt. Secondly, Greg, their singer, went to introduce himself to the Dents by picking up his amp and proudly showing off the brand, saying, "Check out my Pacemaker! I just got it!"
Although I've seen the Dents before, this time around they really rocked out hard. Good, poppy rock in the vein of the Muffs. But I really don't think they're garage-y, though because they're hard to classify--garage? punk? pop punk? rock?--they probably get lumped into the garage rock category perhaps because of the female vocalists.
Greg from Hoy drums for the F-Units. Who knew? I saw F-Units almost exactly a year ago and Johnny Napalm from the Napalm Stars was their drummer. Come to think of it, I can't remember how they sounded back then. But this time around they were good ol' straight-up rawk with a punk edge and "Hey!Hey!Hey!" choruses. They're recording an album and their set was the album in its entirety and in order, save for the cover of "Johnny B Goode" which closed their set.
I was also interested in catching Hello Nurse, simply because a band whose name is an Animaniacs reference can't be all that bad.
Andy went to walk past the stage and their singer said, "You can't come near the stage. I just farted."
At least they're honest and didn't blame it on the dog. They're a young, energetic, nerdy, upbeat powerpop band that makes you dance. Their singer was whipping around and why should he have all the fun? The name is actually a quasi-Animaniacs reference. Hey, you can't go wrong with Wakko Warner. Boys, go fig.
I was thinking Hoy's motto is: "We're supernice guys" but as Greg informed us, it's "We're happy fun band." All bands should have Hoy on their bill at least once. All smiles, hanging out and watching all the other bands, absolutely no attitude, giving shoutouts to all the other bands--even though Greg said F-Units needs a better drummer. They just radiate positive vibes and it shows in their sparkly pop rock tunes.
Oh, and get this. Some guy chatted me up and hit on me. The guitar player from a band I saw last year and they weren't that good. I was sitting down after the Dents and he comes over to me, asking me if I go to a lot of shows. He spells out his name. He says he has to go outside and asks me if I'll still be there when he gets back. I say yes and he says, "Are you sure?"
After F-Units, he asks if he can talk to me outside.
"Do you smoke pot?"
Here we go. "No."
"Do you want to smoke some pot?"
Didn't I just say that I don't smoke pot? Does no mean yes to you?
After Hello Nurse he comes back to talk to me. Would I consider giving him my number? He asks me where I'm from. I tell him Queens. Really? Born and raised?
Would I lie?
He tells me I have an accent. Huh? He then asks if I'm wearing contacts. Huh?
"I mean, can you see all right?"
What? I was sitting down between sets, are you going to offer to give me a backrub? Believe me, I can see better than you think. Nobody in their right mind would make a comment like that to me, not when they're trying to pick me up.
He tries to cover by explaining that he needs glasses and tells me I have nice eyes. Am I seeing anybody? Do I date guys?
Yeah, so that means I'm going to reject you because you're an asshole.
And during Hoy's set he walks behind me, his hand brushing against my ass ever so slightly, to make me wonder if it was really him and to say that that he's coming back for me, to find out if I'd really give him my number.
Pot and guitars. Helping guys get women since pot and guitars were invented.