Celebrating 6 Months Of Sidewalks!

Yes, 6 months and 85 posts later I'm still seeing shows so you don't have to. Still trying to save the music world 1 band at a time. So I'd like to take a moment to thank my 2 (known) readers. Blackout Matt, who still reads this even though I sometimes write about bands that sound like Bon Jovi, and RebelMart, AKA Scott MX Turner, lurker extraodinnare, who might be ruining his eyesight trying to figure out what's visible on my CD rack. Unless he's stopped reading this. In which case, never mind. But I hope not, because who else will let me know I misspelled "drummer" as "dummer"?
But patron saint of all concertgoers! Oh my God! (Or should I say, Oh my rockness! Ha ha.) Wow. This, I was not expecting. I am humbled. I was going to explain how this is Hollow Sidewalks's unbirthday, a family tradition and institution since I was a young'un. Since my birthday is in the summer I couldn't celebrate it in school and to make me feel better, we celebrate half-birthdays as well and I brought munchkins into class. There was a recipe in a Disney kids' cookbook that had a recipe from Uncle Scrooge that coined the phrase unbirthday and it's stuck lo these many years. But now that's unnecessary because I've just been named the patron saint of all concertgoers.
Again, wow.
At 10:04 PM,
Matthew Sheahan said…
Congratulations! Keep these reviews coming! Hope to see you at the Bowery Poetry Club show!
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