Chicks On Speed Will Save Us All
The train was leaving Jamaica at 10:16. I could've sworn my mom mentioned she was leaving at 9:30, because somehow I got it in my head to leave at 9:30 as well. Even though she was leaving Flushing and going by bus. I got up at 7:30, went back to sleep for an hour, then took a shower. I went to load up my camera and found that I accidentally bought 12-exposure film. So I flew to the ATM and to Rite Aid for film at 9:15 and realized that there was no way I could make it to Jamaica in time. Why did I even go out last nite? This is the worst thing that I have ever done. Well, I've done worse. A few times I missed the train. OK, I won't go out on the 23rd because I have to be at my mom's at 9 on the dot on the 24th. Thank God I bought the new Metrocard the night before. I saw the lights of the oncoming train for about 3 minutes, thinking I was screwed. These damn trains. But that rang false even to me. Finally the R came at like 9:40 and there wasn't that much of a wait for the E at Continental. When I got out at Jamaica did I realize that my mom was probably shitting a brick and it wasn't fair to her. Even though I did get to the station at 10:05.
We went down for the train and she said, "What's that on your face?" I feign bafflement. "On the left side of your face, you've got a blue a mark. Like a circle."
If I get a handstamp on the lower half of my right hand near my thumb, it always ends up under my left ear in my sleep. I ignore the comment. Just as I thought, we were too wound up for me to sleep on the train. The cookies probably didn't help. I checked my lipstick and saw the blue star clearly under my left ear, and the two stripes in between each angle. "Do you see that on your face?" I feign deafness.
I slept on the train back to Jamaica and when we got to the station, I was all tired from eating too much. I was sorely tempted to blow off the show and try to get a refund later. If not, $20 is nothing compared to my well-being. Destroying myself physically since I'm destroyed financially sounded all dramatic, nihilistic, and punk rock in theory but now as the 3rd late-late show, at the Knit no less, is upon me I wonder how smart that was. I probably won't be able to get out of bed the next day. Well, that's what Sundays are for. Back home I tried to sleep but instead just lay in bed with my eyes closed, for the most part, until 9:30. I checked the ticket. 11:00 doors, right? Holy shit, 11:55 PM. What the hell was I thinking?
Hipsters have weird shoes and I could tell who was there for Chicks On Speed based on their footwear. The board said CoS on at 2 AM. I can always leave early. Inside I had a Bedford Ave. if Bedford Ave. were in Long Island type to my left in silver stilettos, too much blue eyeshadow, and a fur coat. I can't stop coughing and my eye gets irritated. I feel feverish. The girl in the fur coat is actually from Ohio and drove all this way for the show. A guy standing nearby struck up a convo with her and her friend. He's from New Zealand and just happend to be here on vacation. He asked the girl in the eye shadow if she knew where NZ is. "Near Finland?" "If it were near Finland, then I'd be cool." Secretly, I dub the Ohioan ringleader Paris Hilton. She knows NZ is where they filmed Lord Of The Rings and he says NZ is just like that, and you can't go down the street without running into a freakin gnome.
I thought Kevin Blechdom and Planningtorock were 2 separate acts that I'd have to stand through, but they were a duo. Captured! By Robots unlistenable? This was terrible. Other Music-y stuff that I just did not get. Kevin Blechdom is apparently a woman, and she was dressed in black with a hoop skirt and ugly shoes. Planningtorock is a woman dressed all in white with the lower half of her face painted white. They did a ballad and then Kevin sat down on the side of the stage while Planningtorock...uh, planned to rock. She did a few songs standing on a crate right up against the monitors so that I had to crane my neck to see her, and then put some white thing on her head while a projector played stuff behind her. Then Blechdom rejoined her and they did some noodley songs. A guy pushed his way onstage and did some beatboxing. He was the only one dancing, and there seemed to be a divide; those to my right were getting into it and starting to move around while everyone to my left just stood there going Huh? And then I felt somebody at my calves on my left and then I get pushed. Great. It's starting already. I turn around to glare at the culprit...who was on the floor. I swear, we all must've stood there stupidly for a full 5 seconds before we realized that this was not part of the show and someone picked the girl off the floor and helped her out. Great. It's starting already. A few of their songs were OK, but I couldn't help think that maybe you need to be on drugs in order to like them. And fuck art, let's rock.
Then for an excruciating hour a DJ played while I tried not to collapse. NZ chatted with Paris. She spent the day at H&M and Sephora, to buy makeup. "Isn't there any makeup in Ohio?" "But it doesn't say Sephora." The place was packed for 2AM. I felt warm and couldn't tell if it was my sweater and the crowd or I'm coming down with something. Probably both. He then asked us if we voted for Bush. (He kept thinking I was with them, even though I said I didn't know them the last time he asked. And I'm about 10 years older than they are.) We said no and he told us that George Bush scares him, and all of New Zealand. Lovely.
Like X-Ray Spex but from the 21st (or possibly 22nd) century, the German art Chicks On Speed collective (DAT Politics is on their label) combine elements of Le Tigre, X-Ray Spex, and a little of the Epoxies. The trio, with stripes painted on their faces, dressed in futurisitc florecent vinyl getups with electronics brand names written in silver. They did CoS anthems We Don't Play Guitars and Eurotrash Girl to a sedate crowd, with deadpan vocals on Fashion Rules and songs about selling out. Maybe it was the late/early hour, but when I saw them in 2001, also at the Knit, the cowd--and band--tore the place apart. The band because they hung enlarged reprints of their reviews and other art all over and they ripped them up and handed the scraps out as souveniers. "Is it illegal to dance in NYC?" NZ asked as he came crashing past. Maybe it was that the musical landscape has changed so much since the last time they played. Everyone has their 'pods and electroclash rock city has come and been shoved down everyone's throats and is now gone. It's like everyone was there because they knew they had to go. That, and their set ended at 3:15 in the fucking morning. I liked watching them more than I liked their newer material.
On the way out, I could've sworn the guy said good-bye and it's always good to see me, like he remembered me from the Phenomenauts show. You mean harrassing (paying) patrons and band members hasn't been good for business? Given how many bands I see, treating me and my friends like criminals is never a good business move. At 14th St. I headed down for the F and a woman stops me and asks if the 4/5 stops there. I tell her no, only the 1,2,3,L, and F. She tells me that someone told her it did, either they didn't know or tried to mislead her purposefully. "I don't know how this world works," she said in her defense. "Probably both." I tell her a few ways to get to the 4/5 from there and then she asks how to get to the N. She says, "What I'm trying to say is that I don't want to go home." So immediately I think that she's got some abusive sitch at home. Or maybe she's trying to pick me up, or distract me so that someone can pick my pocket--it's 3:45 in the morning and we're the only ones at the end of the platform. So I give her instructions on how to get to the N. She thanks me because, she says, she needs to get home and go to sleep before going to work. But she just said she didn't want to go home. But she just said she needed the 4/5, not the N. Shaking my head, I head down the underpass to the F, looking behind me all the time because now I'm the only one in the corridor and I wonder if this is her plan, if someone's coming for me.
I was up on Sunday and had planned on going to CVS to pick up my pix, but they're back in after 1:30. I lay down 'til then, and then got up at 5. Since I didn't have my glasses on, I couldn't see if the PM was lit up on my clock. Please tell me it's really 5 in the morning and I didn't waste my whole day 'cause I have so much to do. But then again, I first went to bed at 5AM. And I barely remembered being up earlier in the day. Well, that's what Sundays are for. I'll try better next week.