hollow sidewalks

seeing shows so you don't have to.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Jobs Lost And Found

It was for an event photographer, the job that I applied for before going to see RebelMart. I was thinking that if there ever were a job that I could land, it would be that one. I checked the guy's site and it's kinda like Murphguide, but run by someone like Lee Sobel. It's one of those cocktail party/networking groups and it seemed like a startup kinda place. I almost didn't send my resume because we had to send a picture and let's face it, my face is made for the back end of a camera. A lot of those events staff postings on Craigslist specifically ask that the applicants be attractive. One was for some "organization" looking to bring attractive women to their events and posts that require a photo I ignore right off the bat because I assume they're just from a bunch of horny guys who wanna look at pix of women on company time. But then I thought that maybe they just wanna be sure that the applicant doesn't have facial piercings or green hair, stuff like that. The pix were required because we'll be the "face" of the company, as the ad said.

It paid $10/$15/hr, DOE, and I sent my resume and cover letter, stating how perfect I am for the job because I'm always "the one with the camera" at every party/family gathering/office party. I also debated sending them a link to the site, but did because I have pix on there and maybe they'd think I know people and have connections, even though I don't. I almost didn't because of the obvious--I'm not exactly going on and on about, say, the upcoming Madonna tour, or have pix of myself and my crew grinning and hugging at bars, showing off our alcohol. Then as I was trying to scan in my picture I thought maybe, if I have to meet with these people (or others in the future), I should get a small photo album and get more prints of my pix made. But that's going to cost money.

If I did get the job, it would offset film developing and I can claim all my film on my taxes. Well, I'm going to do that anyway, but there's a better chance of having it stick if I did land it. But even after I sent the resume, I realized that I kinda didn't want the job, and I'm not just being a sore loser. Aside from the fact that they'd have the link to the site and that would mean I can't write about them (well, I still could, but knowing me they'd find out about it and I'm not the one to bite the hand that feeds me), the events are at nite and that means no shows, at least in the beginning til I catch up on some money, and the events are at bars and places that I don't go to--Crunch Fitness, the Hamptons, Club Med, ski resorts, yuppie bars. I'm enough of an outcast as it is and I'd be watching the rich people (or those who care about others thinking that about them) in action, with their expensive drinks, nice clothes, etc., After a while it would start getting to me, the have not observing the haves--women with their cosmos, French manicures, and spikey heels, guys in suits and blue dress shirts, shiny teeth and gelled hair, and Coronas and Bud Lites. And then when would I have the time to write this?

And when I was at that record fair afterparty, there was an exhibit going on in the Gallery with band photos. I took one look at them and realized that I'm not a photographer. Then again, maybe they did have to edit the pix. And maybe, with enough perspective--like enough years have gone by and I'm not the one looking at my work, just maybe....

I got the rest of the Rock Revue pix done. Hey, either I spend the $45 now or I spend it next year. I hear the folks at Gibson are itching to see them. So who knows, right?


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