hollow sidewalks

seeing shows so you don't have to.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Big Surprise

I finally got my 1st comment! From.... a spammer. As I was looking into how to get rid of the comment, another comment comes up. "Your blog is interesting. Check out mine." Oh my God. Maybe I'm not just sitting here writing in a vacuum and I do have more than one reader. (Hi, Scott.) So I checked into the 2nd poster's blog. Spammer! His only comment is from someone saying "Please stop soliciting my blogs." If it weren't for occupant mail the only mail I'd get is bills.

See, at first I was hesitant to put the comments on because I was afraid I'd get all these wiseass kids commenting and I don't have the time to babysit them because the only kid allowed to be a wiseass on my blog is me. I turned the comment section on because I didn't want to be accused of being chickenshit and hiding from commenters. And in case someone had a job offer or wanted to donate to the film fund. I didn't want some punk (and not as in rocker and not rocker as in Johnny) telling me I'm a big fat idiot. Well, as the song goes, 2 outta 3 ain't bad. So now I opened it up to comments and I get spam. I guess I should look on the bright side--they weren't spams about my penis size. So if there's nothing wrong with my size, stop emailing me. Of course I could point out that I don't have a penis but that won't stop spammers in the 1st place and the joke ain't funny if you have to explain it.

To avoid comments there's something called word verification that I can add. It's like when you go to buy tix online thru Ticketmaster--or at least check to see if there's tix still available. You see a wavy word on a patterned background and then you retype the word. I'm afraid that might deter genuine commenters but then again.... Also, when I got my Briefs ticket, I got an awesome (and actual, or as actual a word as word verification can come up with) word: Slabby. I wanted to email the Briefs and share that with them but I didn't. Besides, in case anybody out there needs a band name maybe word verification can help them. (But not Slabby.) So we'll see.


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